Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Some times I wonder.

    I do this very odd thing. I get attached and feel emotionally connected to places and things that I have no business getting attached to. I can see an old and broken down house and my heart cries for it. For some reason I do not see that house as just a house. It is not just rotting wood and leaking pipes. I don't see it as uninhabitable. I see it as previously inhabited.
   My mind takes me to an odd place when I see one of these run down buildings. I picture myself inside this building. I can imagine all the smells, and textures within the ruins. My mind immediately tries to put together all the pieces of the past in that very house. I wonder who was the first people within the home. I wonder what happened in this house. I long to know exactly what feelings were felt in that house. I guess it is sort of a "if these walls could talk" thing. I just really wish I knew the significance of the house to people and even the emotions felt while in that house, the decisions decided, the mistakes made, and all relevant and irrelevant occurring that happened in that very house. 
   And it is not just houses that I do this with. I can lay at look at my ceiling and try to recall all the different feelings I have felt while staring at the same ceiling. And I try and recall all the various situations that ultimately led me to lay and look up at the ceiling. And I take it further and wonder about the other people who have laid in that same spot in my room and looked at that same ceiling. I wonder what kept them up at night and forced them to have to stare at that ceiling. And I even take that further and take out the house all together. And I wonder what happened on this very piece of land below of my bed. All the people who have been on that very patch of land. And all the reasons why they might have, and all the feelings that might have been felt on the exact spot that I lay now.
    It is a intoxicating thought, at least for me. And I get lost in it often. Which leads me to wonder if emotions are ever felt strong enough be left lingering in a specific spot. If your monumental experiences can be so intense that they are somehow absorbed into your walls, your house, the atmosphere around you. This of course, sounds crazy and I almost think I'm crazy for even thinking so. But then I go to a place that I have felt such strong emotions in and I can still feel them. It can bring me back every single time. And I know people who have passed away and I can't help but feel them with me when I am in certain places.
      I could very possibly be insane. But let me know what you think.

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